General Oral Surgery Procedures – Reston, VA

High-Level Treatment
to Safeguard Your Smile

The term oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure performed in or around your mouth and jaw. This naturally covers a lot of ground; you might require surgery to have an impacted or damaged tooth removed, to reverse bone loss, to repair a jaw injury, or for several other reasons. Get in touch with our team at Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery to learn more about the different general oral surgery procedures in Reston, VA that we have to offer.

Why Choose Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery for
General Oral Surgery Procedures?

  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology Available
  • Sedation Dentistry
    For Patients in Need
  • Highly Trained Oral Surgeons
    with Board Certification

Impacted Canine Treatment

Woman holding her jaw in pain while talking to Reston oral surgeon

Similar to wisdom teeth because of their ability to remain below the gumline, impacted canines are those located on the upper arch. Positioned on both sides of the four front teeth, they may not erupt and can cause discomfort, the inability to chew properly, and bone loss. Our team can remedy the problem by removing the teeth or granting an opening so that they eventually move into position with the help of orthodontic intervention.

Tooth Extractions

Animated tooth being extracted by dental forceps

Most tooth extractions can be addressed using surgical instruments that simply remove the tooth from its socket. However, if the structure is damaged (i.e., broken below the gumline) or has yet to fully erupt, it will require oral surgery to fix. No matter your situation, you can count on us to provide safe and comfortable solutions to keep you relaxed and pain-free throughout treatment. While we will always work to provide the most conservative option, we may be required to remove a tooth in sections for a more seamless extraction.

Bone Grafting

Animated bone grafting material being placed in the socket of a missing tooth

If you learn that you lack the necessary jawbone density to adequately support dental implants, we can recommend bone grafting. This procedure involves integrating bone tissue from a donor or another part of your body and placing it with existing bone so that the two come together to build a stronger jawbone. While the recovery process can take several months, bone grafting is an essential step should you prefer a more permanent method of tooth replacement in the future.

Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Young woman looking at her face in the mirror

You may be surprised to learn that our oral surgery practice offers facial cosmetic procedures like BOTOX to improve your overall appearance. With the help of these surgical treatments, we can minimize imperfections such as wrinkles and fine lines, revitalizing your aesthetics and helping you to feel more confident in the way you look. We invite you to call our office if you are interested in learning more about the facial cosmetic surgery procedures we provide.

Oral Cancer Screenings (Pathology)

Close up of a mouth with some areas of redness in the gums

Our team offers oral pathology because it not only serves to identify early symptoms and signs of common oral health issues like gum disease and dental decay, but it also aids in the initial detection of more serious diseases like oral cancer. Without timely diagnosis and treatment, severe consequences can occur, so you can count on our team to be here to safeguard your smile.

Jaw Surgery

Young woman holding her jaw in pain

Chronic jaw pain can be a debilitating problem if left untreated. Whether caused by stress, teeth grinding, or severe bite misalignment, it can hinder your ability to eat certain foods and even speak. With jaw surgery from our trusted professionals, though, we can correct the problem causing your misalignment and/or pain, helping to alleviate discomfort and improve oral functionality.

CBCT Cone Beam Imaging

C B C T cone beam imaging scanner in oral surgery office

Planning for oral surgery of any kind requires ample time and high-quality scans. With the help of a CBCT cone beam imaging system, we can minimize the potential for complications and prolonged recoveries because of the intricate details this technology provides. Using a 3D model of your smile, we can devote the time needed to carefully plan your upcoming procedure so that it produces the most reliable outcomes..