Wisdom Teeth Extractions – Reston, VA

Removing Teeth,
Saving Smiles

Unlike early civilizations that relied heavily on wisdom teeth for adequate nutrition, the wisdom teeth are now non-essential because of the changes to the human diet and facial structure. Also referred to as third molars, these teeth often cause pain and damage to nearby structures if left untreated. If you are experiencing discomfort in the back of your mouth, don’t delay in calling our oral surgery office to schedule an appointment. We’ll be here to answer your questions and determine if you are a candidate for wisdom teeth extractions in Reston.

Why Choose Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery for Wisdom Teeth Extractions?

  • Enhanced Digital Imaging
    for Accurate Treatment Planning
  • Board-Certified Oral Surgeons
    Who Put Patients First
  • We Accept PPO Dental
    & Medical Insurance Plans

Indications for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Dental forceps holding a tooth after wisdom teeth extractions in Reston

Although not all patients require wisdom tooth removal, most individuals between the ages of 16 and 25 go through this rite of passage. While each person’s situation is different, we will likely recommend wisdom teeth extractions if:

  • Your wisdom teeth are impacted (below the gumline)
  • They have only partially erupted through the gums
  • Your wisdom teeth are causing overcrowding, and you require orthodontic intervention
  • You develop cysts, infection, or severe pain as a result of your wisdom teeth

Wisdom Teeth

Dental x ray with location of impacted wisdom tooth highlighted red

Because of the structural changes humans have experienced over the centuries, most wisdom teeth no longer have the necessary space to erupt correctly. As a result, they may remain impacted beneath the gumline and even be positioned at an angle. This can cause significant pain and damage to nearby teeth. However, our team can remove these structures using advanced techniques, leaving your smile healthier for the future.

What to Expect After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Young man with short beard smiling in dental chair

The average recovery time for wisdom tooth extraction is three to four days. Depending on the severity of your procedure and overall health, it may take longer. It is strongly advised that you do not engage in any physical or strenuous activity immediately following your procedure. You should also avoid sipping or sucking through a straw, as this can cause your blood clots to dislodge, creating dry sockets, which are extremely painful. The same can occur if you rinse your mouth vigorously. During your recovery, you should plan to eat soft foods to prevent additional pressure on your surgical sites.

Understanding the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Tooth next to a jar of coins

We know that wisdom tooth extractions can be stressful for patients, which is why we do everything we can to ensure that paying for your care doesn’t contribute to that. We offer a variety of options to make wisdom tooth extractions affordable, including 0% financing starting at $199/month .

If you want to know a bit more about how you can make wisdom tooth extractions more affordable, here’s some information you might find useful.

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

2D render of an impacted wisdom tooth

First of all, if you’re trying to budget for your wisdom tooth extraction, you should know that there are several variables that can affect what they cost. The first, of course, is how many wisdom teeth you’re having removed—not everyone has all four.

There’s also the complexity of the procedure, which has to do with the state of your wisdom tooth. If one or more of them are impacted, removing them is going to be considerably more involved. If you’re receiving anesthesia, you should also factor that into the overall cost of the treatment.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

Blocks that spell out “dental plan”

While some dental plans are reticent to cover oral surgery in general, most will cover at least a portion of a wisdom tooth extraction. If you want to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your dental benefits, we’ll help you work with your insurance company to get the coverage that you need.

Other Options for Making Wisdom Tooth Extractions Affordable

Someone putting coins into a jar

Even if you don’t have insurance, you don’t have to delay having your wisdom tooth extracted—we have other options available to help you make the procedure affordable. We work with CareCredit to offer financing services to our patients, allowing you to split the cost of care into monthly payments.

We’re currently offering a special for those who qualify: 0% monthly financing for wisdom teeth extractions starting at $199/month! Give us a call , and we’ll talk to you about how this and other financing options can help you afford the care that you need.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions FAQs

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Called That?

Wisdom teeth today seem to cause nothing but trouble – so what makes them so “wise?” There are a few theories about how the third molars acquired this nickname. The most widely believed is that since these teeth don’t erupt until early adulthood, a person is older than they were when the rest of their teeth erupted. It was believed that with age comes wisdom – hence the name of these teeth.

Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Painful?

The very first step of wisdom tooth removal is always numbing the area with a local anesthetic, so you shouldn’t feel any pain. You will also most likely be sedated, limiting your body’s ability to register pain. Ultimately, you should expect your procedure to be completely painless. For the next few days after your procedure, you will likely encounter some soreness and discomfort, but by closely following your oral surgeon’s aftercare instructions, you should feel back to normal within a week. If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

What’s the Best Age to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed?

There is no set age where wisdom tooth removal is most ideal. However, most dental professionals recommend extracting the wisdom teeth in early adulthood. Wisdom teeth can be removed later in life, but the procedure and recovery both tend to be easier when you are younger. As one ages, the roots of the wisdom teeth grow longer and are more embedded in the jaw. This makes the procedure more complex in older patients and can prolong the healing process. If your dentist suggests that you get your wisdom teeth removed, it is better to do it sooner rather than later to avoid future risks, like impaction, decay, cysts, and damage to the surrounding teeth.

How Long Does Wisdom Tooth Surgery Take?

Regardless of how long the procedure actually takes, it will feel like barely any time has passed at all since you will most likely be sedated. On average, it takes about 15-20 minutes to extract a wisdom tooth, so removing all four can take up to 90 minutes. The time it takes varies on the tooth’s location, position, and whether or not it is impacted. During your consultation, we can give you a more specific estimate so you can plan accordingly.